Sunday, May 11, 2008

Rushmore, Crazy Horse and the Badlands

  WOW! That's what all 5 of us have to say, WOW! What a great ride. F-in' Magellan said, "this is the best day of riding he has every been on." Well, I would have to agree. It all started out with Mt. Rushmore. That is one of the most amazing thing I have every seen. Oh yea, I've seen it on T.V. and in pictures but in person its the best. 
  The Black Hills of South Dakota, what a place of Beauty and fresh air. Now I see why Native American fought to keep this land.

  After Mt. Rushmore it was off to the Crazy Horse monument. To let you know how big this monument is going to be Mt. Rushmore will fit in the hair of Crazy Horse. This monument will have Crazy Horse sitting on his horse pointing out. This is all being funded by private money. When will it be finished? Maybe my great grandchildren will see it completed.
  There is a road you have to ride on its Iron Mountain Road. What a ride we saw wild donkeys, Buffalo, Deer and antelope. The donkeys would tried to put their heads in the cars to be fed.  there was four tunnels and every tunnel has a view of Mt. Rushmore on the other end, if you drove it from Custer National Park. It also has two bridges call The Pigtail Bridges. Man I'm telling its a great ride.
  The last part of the day was driving through the Badlands. We took Hwy. 44 east to the town of Interior, South Dakota. The town sit on the east side of the badlands that was as far east as we will go on this trip. It is amazing how the rain and wind have carved this land out. it looks like another plant. Another reason why the Native American fought the white man. Wild life all over this place. 
  Tomorrow its time to head west. 

1 comment:

Lumpy said...

Isn't it truly amazing how when you round that last curve and look up and see that Mountain how blown away you feel.

Like you said, seeing Mt. Rushmore in pictures doesn't do it justice.

Glad to see that your getting a break in the weather.

There is so much to see in that part of the country one trip just won't do it.

Heading west will bring you some hot weather by the end of the week, be prepared.