Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Battle at Little Big Horn and Livingston, Montana

   Boy I was one tired Rider. Well one of five tired riders. We went from The battle at Little Big Horn to Idaho Falls. With a stop in Livingston, Montana.
  Picture is the marker where Custer fell at Little Bid Horn. On June 23, 1876. Yep, that is the spot where he died. I saw it with my own two eyes. A butt kick'en he and his 7th US Calvary got from Chief Sitting Bull. It seems Custer attacked them days before as they camped down by the Little Big Horn River. As history has it, this is one check Custer and the 7th Calvary's butts could not cash.   It was a interesting place and a part of American History that will live on for ever. Probably most Native American love to tell. And why not. I was glade I got to see it for my self.  There were markers all the way down the hill where Custer's men fell. There wasn't as many markers for the fallen Indians because they picked up their dead. The markers where put there by the survivors of the Calvary.

  After a stop in Billings we where back on the road with a stop for gas in Livingston. When I looked at Uncle Bindo Bike and he had a flat back tire. Look at that nail! So no Harley Shop in Livingston. But a Yamaha one. Man them guys fixed us up and two Hour later we were on the road. They even gave us a better route to go to get to Idaho Falls and cut about 100 miles off our ride. That was a great ride the road followed the Madison River up to the top and over the snow packed Rockies. We even got a glimps of the Grand Tetons. I sure could tell we hit west of the Rockies because the Indians talked Spanish.

  Why we where in Livingston I saw this burger joint. Mark's In and Out. It served it first burger in 1953. It was a good burger. I enjoyed it with fries and a Coke. NOT PEPSI, but COKE, like a burger and fries are suppose to be served with. The also had Wilcoxson's Ice Cream. Some guy from Wilcoxson's was there. I tried to score a shirt from him but he wouldn't give me one. I told him I was a walking billboard. No go for him.
  I ofter to buy a Mark's In and Out shirt but they didn't have this summer's shirt ready yet. Man that sucks. 

  Old Scott has a great crew working the place. This is what middle America is all about Randi with the blue selves  took our order great young lady, Silvia the other young lady. That Silvia's bro Reggie, yes a white guy named Reggie. Behind Randi's right shoulder.  Single Ladies he is 22 and looking. You can find him at Mark's In & Out in Livingston,Montana. Kevin is back there 4 kids already. My apologise to the other young man next to Silvia. I forgot his name. Check this out, he is from Merced, California.  He moved there to as he said to get fresh air. Silvia and Randi Keep an eye on him after all he is from California. 
  So if your every in Livivgston, Montana eat at Mark's In & Out. If you want that old feel of a Burger joint before McDonald's this is the place. And the food is as good or better then back then. Say Hello to them for me. 


Anonymous said...

I have been reading your blog daily and remembering a year ago when Leonard was on his long trip and could hardly wait for him to post. I have enjoyed reading about your trip and it sounds like you guys are having a blast! Be safe and have a good ride home.

Lumpy said...

Good job on the posts, Jim. I know first hand it can be a royal pain to make these post at the end of a long day on the bike.

The last day or two coming home is like an old Hag turning back toward the corral, you just want to bust the throttle and get home!

Welcome home...