Saturday, May 17, 2008


  After a early goodbye and thanks for putting up with us for two nights we departed. It's always hard to tell your child goodbye. You would think it wouldn't be, after all he was stationed in Japan. Those goodbyes meant we wouldn't see him for 6 months to a year. And never on a Holiday.  
  It is not just saying goodbye to him but to Heather too. Heather is that one, you know the one you hope your son will marry. On September 27th, of this year in Reno this will happen. 
  They met in Taft, California going to Taft College. No they didn't date while they were there. She moved to Bakersfield to go to CSUB. No dating there ether.  They were buddies kinda each other's wing man. Along with Adam, who is Bub's Best Man. They hung out with each other. Bub goes to Japan in the Navy. Heather's job takes her to the Bay Area. They did keep in touch via e-mail, phone calls and text messages.  
  Bub didn't come home for two years. When he did, we took a trip to the bay area and something changed. Those two ships passing in the night hit, ran right smack into each other. Karly knew it all the time. She would always tell Heather she was going to marry her brother someday. 
  The good thing about this goodbye is we will see them in June. Not in 6 month or a year. and phone call are free.
   The last leg of our run took us through the California Gold Country. That one thing good about this state we don't have to go far to have a great ride. We road Hwy. 88 from Carson City. Something My Cousin Vinny said, "all that riding, though the Rockies and the highest we got was in our own Sierra Nevada's at 8500 feet above sea level."
  We went through Calaveras, County. Home of the World Frog Jumping Compaction and it started last night. Angel Camp is the town.  We stopped in Jamestown Harley Davidson. Then in Coulterville at the Hotel Jeffery. 
  The Hotel Jeffery is a great place to stay F-in' Magellan, and myself have stayed there a few times. Uncle Bindo has been there too. Smiley was married there.  What is great about it is the Magnolia Saloon, its the oldest operating saloon in California. President Teddy Roosevelt stayed there also. It is also said to be haunted. 
I don't know about that. Magellan fells it is. He get felling sick every time he is in there. But when he gets a few drinks in him he feels better. Pete and Charlot are the owners. Pete knows the history of the Hotel and them parts. You gota go and stay it a great time ghost or not. 
 One more stop for gas and it was home. A shower, shave and I was asleep before my head hit my pillow. AHHH my own bed, it felt GREAT!
  I would like to thank Lumpy, his wife, pcwino, scooter and gusster for your comments durning our ride, It was greatly appreciated. 
  The next posting I will post more things on our ride I thought was interesting. I hope you will enjoy them.
  I know all of us would like to thank our families. 10 days away for the ones who stayed home can be a little trying at times. I know it can be tough now that we have our 3 year old grandson all the time. Or maybe they were happy to get us out of their hair.
  Well its great to be home, anyway.


Anonymous said...

What a Ride..............

Lumpy said...

Welcome home. We will have to get together with the rest of the bunch and chew the fat. All in all, your trip sounded like a overall good time, minus the rain, snow, flat tires, and other minor mechanical problems that you experienced.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh Jimmy! That was the sweetest write up about me and BUB! I love you and am so happy to become even more a part of your family in 4 months. I just hope you are proud that I try my hardest to take care of him. I don't want to let you and Rhonda down and well he deserves the best! See you soon.